Liberty & Justice Radio Liberty & Justice 1640 AM & 87.9 FM

The Station for Independent Thought

A Service of Minimum Wage Media

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Equipment, Signal Coverage, and Basic Facts

Frequency: 1640 kHz AM

Transmitter location: Shirley Center/North Shirley, Massachusetts

Sign on date: November 2008

AM Effective Radiated Power: 100 milliwatts (1/10th of a watt) FCC Part 15 maximum power level.

AM Antenna: Home constructed 3 meter vertical, impedance matched with a base loaded tuning coil and elevated about 17 feet above ground level.

AM Transmitter: ASMAX2 low power C-Quam AM Stereo transmitter.

Coverage Area: 
The neighborhoods of North Shirley, Shirley Center, and Woodsville in the town of Shirley, Massachusetts. Maximum range exceeds 2 miles, but more is possible using good DX equipment or car radio. (AM range is during daylight hours in locations AWAY from power lines. See map below.) During the most ideal conditions (daytime - morning - winter - dry weather), the AM signal can be received on a high quality car radio at some locations over three miles away.

Do you only hear the strongest AM stations on your car radio and the rest is noise? Chances are your antenna connection is faulty or corroded.  If your vehicle is still under warranty, your dealer will repair the problem free of charge. Also check the antenna, ground, and power connections at the head unit.

Minimum Wage Media Transmitters and Antennas
1710 AM (left) and 1640 AM (right)
Liberty & Justice 1640 Signal Coverage
Darker shaded area is primary daytime coverage, 
and dependable nighttime coverage.
Lighter shaded area is secondary daytime coverage.

Liberty & Justice 1640 signal coverage